Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Miraculous Paradox

"Today is a day where we celebrate, celebrate the fact that God’s love is so strong that God was willing to give up all his power, all his glory, all his heavenly host, and trade it in for swaddling clothes and the powerlessness of infancy. God’s love for you and for me is so great that just to reach out to humanity, just to guide us, teach us, to bring us back into a life-giving relationship with God, God was willing to be born a human, to know our frailties and weaknesses. This is the miraculous paradox that we celebrate on this joyful day. This is the miracle that lies behind all of our Christmas preparation and celebrations whether we realize it or not."

From the Christmas Day sermon at St. John's Episcopal Church by the Rev. Peter Swarr. Read the entire sermon here.